27 de octubre de 2012

Results of the Third International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest /Tabriz,2012

Results of the Third International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest /Tabriz,2012

First Prize ; Oleg Gutsol-Belarus

Second Prize ;  Yuri Kosobukin -Ukraine and :

Second Prize ; Kazanevsky Vladimr 

Third Prize ; Saeid Rahimi -Iran


Selected ; Mohsen Zarifian -Iran

Selected; Musa Gumush-Turkey

                                                  Selected ; Mehmet Kahraman-Turkey

                                                      Selected ; Elena Ospina -Colombia

                                                         Selected : Mohsen Asadi -Iran


21 de octubre de 2012

Results 1st International Graphic Humor Salon of Pernambuco, Brasil 2012

Results 1st International Graphic Humor Salon of Pernambuco, Brasil 2012


Omar Alberto Figueroa Turcios -Espanha

Dalcio Machado -Brasil

Raimundo Rucke Santos Souza - Brasil


Stefan Despodov -Bulgária

Claudio Antonio Gomes - Brasil

Monico Jose Martins dos Reis - Brasil


Maria Roberta Moreira de Melo

                                                        1º LUGAR CARICATURA ESTUDANTE
                                                        Felipe Marques Rocha de Menezes

Opening of permanent exhibition of DUBA cartoon festival / (WSPA) 2012


The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) would like to thank to 179 artists from 48 countries to participate with their 343 works in support of the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare.

We are glad that there is a huge diversity of nationalities, the registered cartoons came from all over Latin America, UK, Germany, France, Slovakia, Poland, even from countries like Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazajstan, Sudan, Turkey, among others. At the beginning the jury named by WSPA was going to select only 40 cartoons for the catalogue, but the quality of works received allows us to admit 70 cartoons representative form this diverse group. On October 25th 2012 here we will be announcing the group of selected cartoons.

This day, also, we will inaugurate a permanent exhibition with the work of the 45 autors selected to be part of this ceramic mural in Carmen Lyra's Library located at Rincón Grande de Pavas, San José, Costa Rica. The library is part of an organized community in developing, which now will be award for their communal achievements with a representation of what Animal Welfare means.

Thank you for showing with graphic humor that Animals Matter!

Selected Authors  for Dubacartoon Catalog 

1 -Adrian Palma (argentina)
2- Martin Favelis (argentina)
3- Arsen Gevorgyan (Armenia)
4- Luc Descheemaeker (Bélgica)
5- Marcelo Rampazzo (Brasil)
6- Jovcho Savov (bulgaria)
7- Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)
8- Juan Calvo Foxley (Chile)
9 -Da Bling (China)
10- Fang Chen (China)
11- Huseyin Cakmak (Chipre)
12- Elena Ospina (colombia)
13-Raúl Grisales (Guaico) (colombia)
14- Ferreol Murillo Fuentes (Ferrom) (Costa Rica)
15-Franicisco Munguía Villalta (Costa Rica)
16-Vicky Ramos (Costa Rica)
17-Jorge Martinez (LLoyy) (Cuba)
18-Alfredo Martirena (Cuba)
19- Fawzy Morsy (Egipto)
20- Ricardo Clement (Alecus) (El Salvador)
21- Omar S Diago(Vampirako) (españa)
22- Vivian Shou (filipinas)
23-Christophe Bodard (Francia)
24- shahin kalantary (Iran)
26- Kazy Kestutis Siaulytis (lithuania)
27-Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz (Mexico)
28-Victor Solis (Mexico)
29: Firuz Kutal (Noruega)
30- Jose Jauregui (perú)
31- Marcin Bondarowic (Perú)
32- Ross Thomson (Reino Unido)
33- Doru Axinte (Romania)
34- George Licurici (Romania)
35- Mihai Ignat (Romania)
36- Alexandrov Vasily (Rusia)
37- Igor Smirnov (Rusia)
38- Sergei Tunin (Rusia)
39- Raed Khalil (Syria)
40- Elraya Ombaddi (Sudán)
41- Dubovsky Alexander (Ucrania)
42- Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ucrania)
43- Yuri kosobukin (Ucrania)
44- Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Ubekiztán)
45- Andres Colmenares ( Wawawiwa) (Venezuela)
46- Arturo Rosas (Mexico)
47-- Julieta Vitali (Argentina)
48- Khalajil Mohammadali (irán)
49 -Rene Wischinski (Alemania)
50- Ernesto Guerrero (Argentina)
51- Gaston Andres Bejarano (argentina)
52- Romina Bernardo (Chocolate) (Argentina)
53- Joao Bosco Azevedo (Brasil)
54-Raimundo Waldez (Brasil)
55- Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)
56- xiomara Blanco (Costa Rica)
57- miguel Villalba (España)
58- yuosofali mohamadi  (irán)
59- Payam Borumand (Irán)
60- Saeed Sadeghi (Irán)
61- Juan Garcia (Nicaragua)
62- Jose San Martín (Perú)
63- Marian Avramescu (Romania)
64- Vladimir Khakhanov (rusia)
65- Darko Drljevic (serbia y Montenegro)
66- Mehmet Saim Bilge (MSB) (Turquía)
67-Raquel Orzuj (Uruguay)
68- Valery Momot (Ucrania)

11 de octubre de 2012

Rules for the International Exhibition Satyrykon-Legnica 2013, Poland


1. SATYRYKON 2013 International Exhibition is an open competition.

2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2012-2013), and qualified by artists to section:

> JOKE (drawing without captions preferred)
> SATIRE (drawing without captions preferred).

3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition SATYRYKON.

4. The format of works - maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).

5. Works should be sent or delivered by February 1, 2013, packed in a protective cover to:

Miedzynarodowa Wystawa
Chojnowska 2, Akademia Rycerska 
59-220 Legnica POLAND

Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.

6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organisers reserve the right to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery.
The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing.

7. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (please use capitals).


1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the International Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes:
* GRAND PRIX SATYRYKON 2013 - pure gold key and purse amounting to 8.000 PLN
* 2 gold medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN
* 2 silver medals and purses amounting to 5.500 PLN
* 2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
* 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each

* the Legnica Culture Centre director's award amounting to 4.000 PLN for a photography work.
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them or non-awarding the GRAND PRIX SATYRYKON.
Jury's decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2013 at Satyrykon web site: http://www.satyrykon.pl/ .

N o t e !

Awards are subject to taxation according to the current regulations.
The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2013, or it can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author.
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue.
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2013 event on June 13-16, 2013.
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2014.
We kindly ask the authors to notify us about any changes to their address data - return address / phone / e-mail.

1. The organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agree to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
5. Legnica Centre of Culture and Fundation Satyrykon are organisers of the SATYRYKON-LEGNICA 2013 International Exhibition
PL 59-220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2, tel. (0-048 76) 852-23-44; e-mail: satyrykon@wp.pl .

* Deadline for works reception: February 1, 2013
* Jury meeting: February 15-17, 2013
* Post-competition exhibition: June 6 – August 25, 2013
* Return of works after the exhibition cycle: December 31, 2014.

Rules: http://www.satyrykon.pl/download/rules2013.pdf .
Application form: http://www.satyrykon.pl/download/form2013.pdf .

10 de octubre de 2012

International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon - Second Edition‏ 2012


The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon is held by „Salt & Pepper” Magazine for visual arts and artists.

1. Themes
We are expecting meaningful and cleaver works at high artistic level

2. Participants
All artists, professional or not, are invited to take part in the Salon, regardless of gender, nationality or country of residence. The works can be send by the author himself, only

3. Works
May be done in black & white or in colour
Each participant may submit max. 3 (three) works on each theme
Good quality images of signed works
In JPG format, 400-800 KB/work, at Min. 300dpi resolution
Only works without text are accepted (text means one or more letters)
The participating works could have been previously published but not have won awards
No works with "adult content" will be accepted, regardless of their artistic quality. Organizers own the right do not admit in the Salon works that may attempt against individual and/or collective rights

4. Technique
Is free of choice of the artist, in two dimensions, such as: graphical art, painting, digital art, cartoon, illustration etc. No photographic art

5. Terms
Deadline of receiving works by e-mail: January 15 th, 2013
Deadline of receiving originals: December 25 th, 2012

6. Participation
Each participant will send in the message's body, in English language, the following information:
name and surname & pseudonym
home address, e-mail, phone number and personal web-site
personal photo/cartoon self portrait, Max. 250KB at min. 300dpi
short biography
the list of works on each theme
Each work will be identifiable on the participant's lists by:
theme, position in the list of works, title, technique, dimensions, price (in EUR) and the associated file name
The file names will be defined as following:
theme_international code of the country_name initial_surname initial_verification code_position in the list of works
for example: Ion POPESCU from Romania, with his own code AZ5, the work is the second in his own list of works on the B theme.

Note: the verification code, must be an own sequence of 3 (three) numbers and/or letters, on the artist's choice, but an only one per artist
Do not send more 2 (two) e-mails containing works and information

7. Awards
Three prizes will be available per each theme
The prizes consist in exposure on the Salon's website of
name and surname, a short CV, personal photo/cartoon, works, technique, dimension, price/work as following:
1st prize: 10 (ten) works + the awarded work
2nd prize: 5 (five) works + the awarded work
3rd prize: 3 (three) works + the awarded work
The Diplomas will be send by e-mail
The first ranked 25 (twenty five) works on each theme will be exposed on web-site, awarded works including.
The works will be exposed if these respond to all criteria and condition mentioned in this document.
A list of participants will be published as well
The Jury is entitled do not award one or more prizes according to their art's criteria.
The jury decision cannot be appealed.

8. Winners
Participants whose works are selected to be awarded will be notified by e-mail.
In max 30 days after announcing prizewinners, they must send their works using all the above mentioned conditions.

9. Jury
Mr. Florian-Doru CRIHANĂ, Romania, President of the jury
Mr. Marcin BONDAROWICZ, Poland
Mrs. Irina IOSIP, Romania
Mr. Oleksy KUSTOVSKY, Ukraine
Ms. Yordanka SHIYAKOVA, Bulgaria

10. Submission address
International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon
e-mail: salt.pepper.s1@gmail.com
for originals: Irina IOSIP - for IS&PSAS Ed.2 - CP 196, OP 16, Bucharest, Romania

11. Other specifications
This regulations are mandatory.
The authors remains the owners of their original works if they do not send original works.
The Salon do not sell anything and does not involve and is not responsible in any business transactions between authors and their beneficiaries. The authors themselves will sell their works on buyer's request.
The authors who wont to participate into itinerant exhibitions will sent originals, these will not be returned.
The album of the Salon will be edited in electronic format, being available on Salon's web-site.
The participants turns over all rights of their work’s images to International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon and to “Salt & Pepper” Magazine and authorizes them to exhibit, archive and publish those in the media and/or the Internet without limitations. To promote The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon, “Salt & Pepper” Magazine is entitled to use these later as printed materials with the name of their author on these, without any compensation to authors. The itinerant exhibitions will be announced in media and the artists will be informed about.
Participation in International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon means the acceptance of all of the above regulations.


9 de octubre de 2012

The Result Of 3rd International Digital Media Cartoon Contest/ Iran

                                                        First Prize-Saeid-Sadeghi-Iran

                                                     Second Prize-Farzaneh-Vaziritabar-Iran

                                                               Third Prize-Masoud-Ziaei-Iran

Special Prize-Armen-Hamonangan-Indonesia

Special Prize-Mehdi-Azizi-Iran

Special Prize-Mehdi-Mohammadi-Rouzbahani-Iran

Special Prize-Mello-Brazil

                                                       Special Prize-Oleg-Gutsol-Ukraine

7 de octubre de 2012

Results of The 8th International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2012

The Golden Medal and 1500 EUR
Zoran Petrović, Serbia

The Silver Medal and 1000 EUR
Andrei Popov, Russia

The Bronze Medal and 500 EUR
Mahmood Mohammad Tabriz, Iran


Constantin Sunnerberg COST, Belgium

                                                            Petar Pismestrović, Austria
Jovan Prokopljević, Serbia
Vyacheslav Shilov, Russia
Ranko Guzina, Serbia
Alireza Pakdel, Iran
Aleksandar Blatnik, Serbia
Milorad H. Jevtic, Serbia
Nevena Mišković, Serbia
Miloš Popov, Serbia

The Karolj Seles honorable Award of the Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO
3 awards, 500 EUR each

Zoran Tovirac Toco, Serbia
Milan Ristic, Serbia
Mica Miloradovic, Serbia

Diploma: Nikola Listes, Croatia



700 works, with 29  participating countries


The PIU Trophy+$ 300.00 in cash
Luc Descheemaeker (O-SEKOER)


The PIU Trophy+$ 300.00 in cash
Luiz C.B.of Mattos_RJ_Maricá
The PIU Trophy+$ 300.00 in cash
Vladimir Kazanevsky_UKRAINE

Interart (Digital manipulation)

The PIU Trophy+$ 300.00 in cash
Darko Drljevic_MONTENEGRO
PIU - Special Prize of The PIU
The PIU Trophy+$ 500.00 in cash
Trayko Popov_BULGARIA


René Bouschet_FRANCE
Raizman Barzaga_CUBA
Ricardo Clement_MEXICO
Clayton Ramos Rabelo_SP_SP
Mohammad Ali Khalaji_IRAN
Shahin Kalantary_IRAN
Waldez Duarte_PA_Belém
vase Krcmar_SERBIA
Nader Rahmani_IRAN
Hao Yanpeng_CHINA
Victor Mihai_ROMANIA
Marcelo Lawry_ARGENTINA
Eder Santos_SP_SP


4 de octubre de 2012

Bicycle is the theme in 19th Euro-Kartoenale Kruishoutem 2013, Belgium

1. Theme: “The Bicycle” (Bicycle, cycling, bicyclist... as a way of transport, as recreation or as a sport)

2. The number of entries is limited to 5.
They may not have been exhibited or published before. Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including 3-D works. Digital artwork is preferably printed by the artist, in order to present a sufficient high quality work to the jury.

3. The works have to be sent to the following address:
Our website www.ecc-kruishoutem.be will inform you if your works have arrived. The list of participants will be updated every day.

4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (A4) - (8.268 x 11.693 inches). The drawing must bear, on the reverse side, the surname and forename of the participant, for 3-D entries at the bottom of the work. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.

5. By participating, the artists authorize the organizers to publish the submitted works in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition.

6. The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize € 1.600,00 + trophy
2nd prize € 1.400,00 + trophy
3rd prize € 1.200,00 + trophy
Prize of the ECC Personal exhibition in the ECC
Prize of the EU € 750,00
Best Belgian Cartoon € 750,00
On the occasion of the prize-giving, the winners are invited for a stay of 3 days.

7. On request the participants get a free catalogue. However, the postage costs are for their own account (for participants who do not reside in Belgium using 6 coupons international reply). These coupons are available in your local post office). They can also collect the catalogue at the European Cartoon Center.

8. By participating the artist lends the submitted works to the organizers for itinerant exhibitions .
Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until November 2014!
The awarded works will become property of the organization.

9. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. 3-D works can be collected at the ECC in the course of 2014. They can be sent back on written request, the postage costs being in this case on the account of the artist. The organization can in no way be held responsible for eventually damaged or lost works.

10. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.

11. Deadline: 15th of January 2013 !!!
Jury meeting: 27th of January 2013.
Opening and prize-giving: Saturday 23th of March 2013.
Exhibition: 24th of March till the 23th of June.
E-mail: contest2013@ecc-kruishoutem.be  
WEB: www.ecc-kruishoutem.be

Rules in languages: http://ecc-kruishoutem.be/graphics_algemeen/2012/REGLEMENT2013.pdf 

ENTRY FORM: http://ecc-kruishoutem.be/graphics_algemeen/2012/entryform2013.pdf .

Results 7th International Cartoon Contest Brăila 2012, Romania

Results of 7th International Cartoon Contest Brăila 2012, Romania

125 artists • 450 artwoks • 37 countries
Theme: Rich man, poor man

Tudor Octavian - art critic
Mihai Stănescu - cartoonist
Leonte Năstase - cartoonist
Nicolae Ioniţă - cartoonist
Costel Pătrăşcan - cartoonist


Grand Prize: Mihai Ignat (Romania)
First Prize: Jovcho Savov (Bulgaria)
Second Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Third Prize: Constantin Pavel (Romania)
Special Prize: Constantin Ciosu (Romania)
Special Prize: Bambang Sulistyo (Indonesia)
Special Prize: Mohammad Hossein Akbari (Iran)

See all winning cartoons on source: 

World Peace is the theme in Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2012

International Online Cartoon Festival "World Peace"
Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2012

To achieve peace, health and better life is man's greatest challenge. Peace as the highest sense is a motivation and pleasure that human must make effort to achieve.
The Afdesta Online Festival secretariat is pleased to present "The First Juried Cartoon" festival featuring some of the most leading international juries under the title: "peace". There will be a large selection and a variety of art to select from afdesta_nowruz.this festival. Demonstrations by many of the winner artists will take place during permanent and online show. Competitors must illustrate "world peace". Questions are encouraged and welcomed.

1. Competition terms: 
A. Up to 5 artworks are accepted from afdesta_nowruz.each participant
B. Artworks must be in A4 size and with 300 DPI qualities (format RGB-JPG)
C. There is no limit for using design techniques
D. Registering in festival's website and accepting the rules are required to submit artworks.
E. All artworks must be submitted in www.afdesta.net
F. Afdesta secretariat is excused for rejecting artworks containing insult to a nation or culture.

2. Festival's Schedule: 
A. Submitting artworks starts from afdesta_nowruz.October 17th (7 GMT) to December 10th (12 GMT).
B. Selecting Artworks is on December 12th.
C. Announcement of the winners and demonstrating their artworks on festivals website starts from afdesta_nowruz.December 19th 2012 (7GMT).

3. Prizes: 
A. Three nights residence in Kish Island for top 3 winners.
B. All participants will be rewarded Festival attendance certificate.

4. Juries (alphabetic order):
Majid Amini (Iran)
Farhad Bahrami Reykani (Iran)
Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
Jitet Koestana (Indonesia)
Dalcio Machado (Brazil)
Julian Pena-pai (Romania)
Agim Sulaj (Italy)

5. Executive Board:
Festival Secretary: Javad Takjoo
Board member:  reyhane Mashhadi Khan,Melissa Ferraz Manfrinato
Sponsors: Amir-Kish real estate, Afdesta Corporation, Kassit Corporation
Organizer: Afdesta Art Group
Ali Delzendehrooy: Concessionaire and Director of Afdesta Art Group and Festival
Omid Amraei: Technical Manager
Bahar Badihi: Executive board Member
Ali Attaran: Public relations
Eilya Tahamtani & Farshid Larimiani: International Information
SMS your name to 3000771221 in order to receive Afdesta news.
Festival Website: www.afdesta.net 
Advertising in Festival: ads@afdesta.net 
Cartoon Festival Secretariats E-Mail: caricature@afdesta.net 
Festival Secretariat E-Mail: info@afdesta.net .